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Bulk Deals (SIWL trays)
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Once paid you will receive an email where you can send your full order list. Bulk deals are not valid for mix trays only Single lengths. Please check the availability of your desired lengths before purchasing.
from $325.00
SIWL Lash Trays
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18 rows Dark matte Super black Foil back Loose at the base (NOT EASY FAN) Cruelty free Diameter .03, 0.5
from $20.00
Lightning Hold
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.02 second dry time
Humidity: 40-70%
Temperature: 59-77 degrees
Shelf life: 4-6 weeks once opened
from $45.00
Ultimate Retention Package
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This Bundle is for anyone who was been struggling with retention! Step 1: Primer Step 2: Lash application with adhesive Step 3: Cure glue with bonder Includes: TPE LASH PRIMER STALKER B*TCH ADHESIVE MADMAX BONDER FOR PROFESSIONAL USE...
2 Day Volume Refresher Training
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This course is perfect for experienced lash artist who want to further develop and excel their skills. What the course will cover: Day 1: Theory Emphasis on Volume, Wispy, and Mega Volume No pinch technique Pinching technique Isolation & Placement...
from $1,200.00
Virtual Volume Refresher
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This course is perfect for experienced lash artist who want to further develop and excel their skills. What the course will cover: Theory Emphasis on Volume, Wispy, and Mega Volume No pinch technique Pinching technique Isolation & Placement Retention...
Bottom Lash Training
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Bottom lash training. includes mini kit for bottom lashes. • glue
• tweezers
• bottom lashes
• etc.
Course is about 2 hours long. Can be done in person or virtual
from $500.00